From “Science Magazine” And The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space based Infrared Astronomy Telescope: “Giant black hole formed puzzlingly fast at dawn of cosmos”

From “Science Magazine”


NASA Webb Header

National Aeronautics Space Agency/European Space Agency [La Agencia Espacial Europea] [Agence spatiale européenne][Europäische Weltraumorganization](EU)/ Canadian Space Agency [Agence Spatiale Canadienne](CA) James Webb Infrared Space Telescope annotated, finally launched December 25, 2021, ten years late.

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space based Infrared Astronomy Telescope

Daniel Clery

Supermassive black holes power brilliant beacons by sucking in surrounding gas. Credit: NASA/JPL-CALTECH.

Astronomers have found by far the most distant and earliest quasar ever seen, a cosmic beacon shining so soon after the big bang that standard theory can’t explain how it was built.

Among the most luminous objects in the cosmos, quasars are powered by supermassive black holes in the center of galaxies, which suck in matter so voraciously that it becomes white hot from friction and glows brightly enough to be seen across the universe. Astronomers thought the black holes formed stepwise within early galaxies, as giant stars collapsed and merged, but quasars detected from when the universe was less than 1 billion years old have challenged the idea. “We were already concerned,” says Anna-Christina Eilers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The new one, dubbed UHZ-1, which blazed when the universe was less than 450 million years old, has made that scenario untenable.

It’s not just UHZ-1’s early date, confirmed in a paper posted for The Astrophysical Journal Letters [below] 5 August. The observations show its black hole is so large compared with the galaxy around it that it can’t have evolved slowly at the galaxy’s heart, but must have formed rapidly, by an entirely different process.

UHZ-1 was first seen as a tiny speck of light in an image made by JWST, NASA’s new infrared space telescope, of a megacluster of galaxies residing 4 billion light-years from Earth. The gravity of the giant cluster bends light like a giant lens, magnifying more distant objects behind it and making them easier to study. A few of the magnified dots appeared to be galaxies from when the universe was less than half a billion years old—among the earliest ever seen.

To see whether any of those galaxy candidates harbored quasars, observers viewed the area with another NASA space observatory, Chandra, which can detect the x-rays that are the most reliable signature of quasars.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Chandra X-ray telescope.

“One object stood out,” says team member Andy Goulding of Princeton University. “It was booming” in x-rays.

The x-ray brightness implied that the accreting black hole had a mass roughly 40 million times the mass of our Sun. The team then went back to JWST to make sure the quasar was as early as it appeared to be in the original images. By analyzing how far certain features in its spectrum are shifted toward longer, redder wavelengths by expansion of the universe, they confirmed they were seeing the quasar at between 400 million and 450 million years after the big bang.

“It’s hard to argue that it’s anything other than a black hole,” says Daniel Whalen of the University of Portsmouth—one far too big and too early for the conventional picture to explain. That scenario starts soon after the big bang, 13.7 billion years ago, as clumps of the mysterious dark matter that pervades the universe draw in primordial gases—mostly hydrogen and helium. The gases coalesce into giant “population III” stars, which swiftly burn up all their fuel and collapse into black holes with masses at most a few hundred times that of the Sun. Those early black holes would be the “seeds” for future supermassive ones. They would grow by accreting more gas, merge with other seeds, and pull in stars to form a galaxy around themselves.

Some theorists already doubted that this stepwise process could produce the earliest quasars, and that much larger seeds were needed. The same spectrum that confirmed UHZ-1’s distance suggests they were right. It allowed astronomers to estimate the mass of the galaxy: At 140 million times that of the Sun, it was only a few times the mass of the black hole at its heart. In contrast, quasars seen later in cosmic history are dwarfed by their galaxies, being 0.1% of the mass or less. To grow so large compared with its host galaxy and so soon after the big bang, the quasar must have had a head start. UHZ-1 “doesn’t put the last nail in the coffin lid” of light seeds, Whalen says. “But you really couldn’t have formed this from population III stars.”

In another paper, The Astrophysical Journal Letters [below], posted on 4 August, Goulding and others argue that UHZ-1 fits a model proposed in 2017, in which radiation from early stars prevents a giant gas cloud nearby from cooling, fragmenting, and collapsing into more stars. Eventually, that cloud becomes unstable and collapses into a single black hole tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times the mass of our Sun. This hefty seed could then merge with a nearby galaxy in formation and quickly grow into an outsize black hole like UHZ-1.

Another, more exotic possibility was presented in the PNAS [below] last month by Katherine Freese of the University of Texas at Austin and colleagues: huge, puffy stars powered by dark matter. These “dark stars” would burn slowly, powered by the energy that some speculative forms of dark matter might give off, and over time would grow to 1 million times the mass of the Sun. When its dark matter power source gives out, a dark star would quickly collapse into a 1-million-solar-mass black hole—a perfect large seed ready to be adopted by a nearby protogalaxy. Freese says another JWST survey has already found three objects in the early universe that bear hallmarks of being dark stars.

Giant gas clouds and dark stars are only two of the scenarios theorists have devised for jump-starting the growth of quasars. Now, it’s up to observers to figure out which could be real. “We need more observations and for sure they will come for such a fascinating source,” says Melanie Habouzit of the MPG Institute for Astronomy.

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Figure 1.
JWST/NIRCam images of UHZ1 in filters (from
top-left) F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356, F410M and
F444W; photometric measurements from these calibrated
data are presented in Fig. 2. Cutout images are 1.5×1.5 arc-
seconds on a side, and are oriented in standard North-East
convention. Lower-right panel presents the NIRSpec/Prism
MSA shutter positions for UHZ1.

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

See the full article here .

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The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space based Infrared Astronomy Telescope is a large infrared telescope with a 6.5-meter primary mirror. Webb was finally launched December 25, 2021, ten years late. Webb will be the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It will study every phase in the history of our Universe, ranging from the first luminous glows after the Big Bang, to the formation of solar systems capable of supporting life on planets like Earth, to the evolution of our own Solar System.

Webb is the world’s largest, most powerful, and most complex space science telescope ever built. Webb will solve mysteries in our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it.

Webb was formerly known as the “Next Generation Space Telescope” (NGST); it was renamed in Sept. 2002 after a former NASA administrator, James Webb.

Webb is an international collaboration between National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center managed the development effort. The main industrial partner is Northrop Grumman; the Space Telescope Science Institute operates Webb.

Several innovative technologies have been developed for Webb. These include a folding, segmented primary mirror, adjusted to shape after launch; ultra-lightweight beryllium optics; detectors able to record extremely weak signals, microshutters that enable programmable object selection for the spectrograph; and a cryocooler for cooling the mid-IR detectors to 7K.

There are four science instruments on Webb: The Near InfraRed Camera (NIRCam), The Near InfraRed Spectrograph (NIRspec), The Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI), and The Fine Guidance Sensor/ Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (FGS-NIRISS).

Webb’s instruments are designed to work primarily in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, with some capability in the visible range. It will be sensitive to light from 0.6 to 28 micrometers in wavelength.

National Aeronautics Space Agency/ UArizona Webb NIRCam.
ESA Webb NIRSpec.

The European Space Agency [La Agencia Espacial Europea] [Agence spatiale européenne][Europäische Weltraumorganization](EU) Webb MIRI schematic.

Canadian Space Agency [Agence Spatiale Canadienne](CA)Webb Fine Guidance Sensor-Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph FGS/NIRISS.

Webb has four main science themes: The End of the Dark Ages: First Light and Reionization, The Assembly of Galaxies, The Birth of Stars and Protoplanetary Systems, and Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life.

Launch was December 25, 2021, ten years late, on an Ariane 5 rocket. The launch was from Arianespace’s ELA-3 launch complex at European Spaceport located near Kourou, French Guiana. Webb is located at the second Lagrange point, about a million miles from the Earth.

LaGrange Points map. NASA.

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Canadian Space Agency

From “Science Magazine” : “Cyberattack shutters major NSF-funded telescopes for more than 2 weeks”

From “Science Magazine”

Celina Zhao
Tanvi Dutta Gupta

Operations at the Gemini North telescope, located on Maunakea in Hawai’i, were shut down after a “cyber incident” was reported on 1 August.International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/T. Slovinský/Wikimedia Commons.

A mysterious “cyber incident” at a National Science Foundation (NSF) center coordinating international astronomy efforts has knocked out of commission major telescopes in Hawai’i and Chile since the beginning of August. Officials have halted all operations at 10 telescopes, and at a few others only in-person observations can be conducted.

With no clear resolution to the shutdown in sight, research teams are uniting to figure out alternatives as critical observation windows spin out of reach. Given remote control of many telescopes is no longer available, some groups may rush graduate students to Chile to relieve exhausted on-site staff who have spent the past 2 weeks directly operating instruments there.

“We’re all in this together,” says Gautham Narayan, an astronomer at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign whose team is trying to save its chance to observe new supernovas using one of the affected Chilean telescopes. The astronomy community has a “grim determination to press on, despite the trying circumstances,” he adds.

NOIRLab, the NSF-run coordinating center for ground-based astronomy, first announced the detection of an apparent cyberattack on its Gemini North telescope in Hilo, Hawaii, in a 1 August press release. Whatever happened may have placed the instrument in physical jeopardy. “Quick reactions by the NOIRLab cyber security team and observing teams prevented damage to the observatory,” the center’s release said.

In response to the incident, NOIRLab powered down all operations at the International Gemini Observatory, which runs the Hilo telescope and its twin, Gemini South, on Cerro Pachón mountain in Chile.

NSF NOIRLab NOAO Gemini South telescope Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory(CL) campus near La Serena, Chile, at an altitude of 7200 feet on the summit of Cerro Pachon.

(The latter was already offline for a planned outage.) Together, the two 8.1-meter telescopes have revealed vast swaths of celestial wonders—from the birth of supernovae to the closest known black hole to Earth.

Normally, NOIRLab’s computer systems let astronomers remotely operate a variety of other optical ground-based telescopes. But on 9 August the center announced it had also disconnected its computer network from the Mid-Scale Observatories (MSO) network on Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachon in Chile. This action additionally made remote observations impossible at the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter and SOAR telescopes.

NSF NOIRLab NOAO Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory(CL) Victor M Blanco 4m Telescope which houses the Dark-Energy-Camera [DECam] at Cerro Tololo, Chile at an altitude of 7200 feet.
NSF NOIRLab NOAO Southern Astrophysical Research [SOAR] telescope, operated by a consortium including the countries of Brazil and Chile, Michigan State University, the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) (part of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, NOAO), and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill situated on Cerro Pachón, just to the southeast of Cerro Tololo, on the NOIRLab NOAO AURA site at an altitude of 2,700 meters (8,775 feet) above sea level.

NOIRLab has stopped observations at eight other affiliated telescopes in Chile as well.

NOIRLab has provided few further details about the matter, even to employees. The center declined to answer Science’s query on whether the incident was a ransomware attack, in which hackers demand money for the return of information or control of a facility. A NOIRLab spokesperson tells Science that the center’s information technology staff is “working around the clock to get the telescopes back into the sky.”

Narayan praises NOIRLab’s “exemplary” response, and he and other astronomers express sympathy for the center. “I assume the challenges they’re facing are bigger than me not getting observations,” says Luis Welbanks, an astronomy postdoc at Arizona State University. But the longer the shutdowns last, the more anxious astronomers are getting. Multiple international projects, as well as doctoral theses and papers under development, depend on data from the telescopes.

Ground-based astronomical research often depends on observations precisely timed for when extraterrestrial objects align with the field of view for specific telescopes. Astronomers try to plan for various delays—anything from bad weather to a power outage or a cracked mirror can bump a project down a queue—but hackers have not typically figured into their calculations. “We’re lucky enough to make it through a regular night,” Welbanks says. “But now we have to consider the cybersecurity implications.”

Welbanks relies on high-resolution images from Gemini South to study the atmospheres of exoplanets; the shutdown has already caused him to miss three of his seven observation windows this year. Many colleagues, he says, are managing similar losses. Welbanks emphasizes the wider astronomy community may be “doomed” if the telescopes don’t resume operations: A unique spectrograph, capable of characterizing the atmospheres of far-away planets, is currently mounted on Gemini South, but scheduled to move to a smaller northern telescope in May 2024. If Gemini South doesn’t start up soon and the device transfer happens as planned, astronomers will—for the foreseeable future—lose their chance at valuable spectral data from the southern half of the sky.

For early-career researchers like Welbanks, a yearlong delay could be particularly harmful. “When people are like, ‘Oh, where’s the data?’ Then I’ll have to say, ‘Well, I don’t have any data because a hacker somewhere took down the computer,’” he says with a rueful laugh. “I don’t know if any hiring committee will be sympathetic to that.”

With limited options, NOIRLab staff are going “well above and beyond the call of duty” to keep projects going, Narayan says. As a temporary workaround to the lack of remote observing, some on-site staff at the Blanco and SOAR telescopes have stepped up to help researchers implement their observations at available telescopes. But NOIRLab has noted in an internal email that this model is not sustainable—hence the discussions about dispatching graduate students to Chile so in-person observations can continue.

Cybersecurity experts are perplexed as to why Gemini North was the target. “Quite possibly, the attacker doesn’t even know they are attacking an observatory,” says Von Welch, retired lead of the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.

He and others say the episode is another wake-up call for the astronomy community. In November 2022, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array radio telescope in Chile also went dark for nearly2 months as its staff scrambled to respond to a cyberattack.

The European Southern Observatory [La Observatorio Europeo Austral] [Observatoire européen austral][Europäische Südsternwarte](EU)(CL)/National Radio Astronomy Observatory/National Astronomical Observatory of Japan(JP) ALMA Observatory (CL).

However, Welch also acknowledges the unique security challenges faced by international research institutions such as NOIRLab. Unlike independent private companies or banks, for example, who can easily isolate their systems, the very nature of astronomical research is open access and collaborative. “A best practice would be to firewall everything off,” Welch says. “But it’s like, well, no, you just broke all the scientific workflows.”

Despite lack of clarity over how the Gemini North and NOIRLabs systems were compromised, astronomers say they are motivated by this latest attack to improve cybersecurity practices at their facilities. Narayan says the whole astronomical community needs to rethink how it manages its identity and access software—and understand how damaging something as simple as a lost password can be.

“It doesn’t help if you build the strongest, most impenetrable fortress in the world, if you forget to lock even a single door or window,” says Patrick Lin, who leads an NSF-funded space cybersecurity grant at California Polytechnic State University. “The weakest link is often with us, the humans.”

See the full article here .

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From Astrobites And The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space based Infrared Astronomy Telescope: “Signs of (Pre-)Life – Can Webb Detect Conditions for the Formation of Earth-like Life on Distant Planets?”

From Astrobites


NASA Webb Header

National Aeronautics Space Agency/European Space Agency [La Agencia Espacial Europea] [Agence spatiale européenne][Europäische Weltraumorganization](EU)/ Canadian Space Agency [Agence Spatiale Canadienne](CA) James Webb Infrared Space Telescope annotated, finally launched December 25, 2021, ten years late.

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space based Infrared Astronomy Telescope

Aldo Panfichi

Title: Prebiosignature Molecules Can Be Detected in Temperate Exoplanet Atmospheres with JWST

Authors: A. B. Claringbold, P. B. Rimmer, S. Rugheimer, O. Shorttle

First Author’s Institution: Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Status: Accepted to AJ

The search for life in the universe has always been a driving force for interest and development of astronomy and the space sciences. Far from tales of little green men and aliens on Mars, today’s scientific investigations into extraterrestrial life usually involve trying to find the traces that life leaves behind in the light that we receive from the stars. This could be evidence of alien transmissions, structures, technology, or intelligence – ‘technosignatures’ – or evidence of molecules or other byproducts of the existence of life, regardless of its intelligence – ‘biosignatures.’

Given many arguments and discussions about the rarity of life in the cosmos, however, many consider it prudent to search not only for these signatures, but also for prebiosignatures – molecules in planetary atmospheres that correspond not to the current existence of life, but to the conditions in which life (organic chemistry, in particular) arose on Earth. These include molecules created by volcanism, UV radiation, or even lightning. Given what we currently understand about how proteins and RNA came to be on our planet, searching for signs of these molecules may help us find the precursors for life elsewhere in the universe.

The authors of today’s paper wish to test the sensitivity of the recently launched Webb telescope to detecting traces of these prebiosignature molecules in the atmospheres of various kinds of exoplanets. To do this, they use atmospheric models to simulate what the transmission spectra of different exoplanets would look like, and test whether Webb’s instruments can recover the prebiosignatures from within the simulated data.

Molecular Mission

The authors chose to focus their analysis on a selection of prebiosignature atmospheric molecules informed by a series of origin scenarios for life. The particular molecules chosen were: hydrogen cyanide (HCN), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), cyanoacetylene (HC3N), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2), ammonia (NH3), nitric oxide (NO), and formaldehyde (CH2O).

In order to detect signs of these molecules in the atmospheres of distant planets, scientists use a technique called transmission spectroscopy. Essentially, when a planet crosses in front of its star (or ‘transits’) from our point of view, some light from the planet’s star passes through its atmosphere.

Planet transit. NASA/Ames.

Specific wavelengths of this light are absorbed by molecules in the atmosphere, leaving a telltale ‘fingerprint’ of said molecules’ existence in the spectrum of light we observe. All the molecules chosen happen to have spectral signatures in the infrared, which Webb’s instruments can measure.

Wonderful Worlds

To carry out their investigation, the authors first simulated transmission spectra for a particular set of planets, using models of different types of atmospheres as a background. For the best possible chance of atmospheric detection and characterization, the authors elected to model planets whose atmospheres are rich in hydrogen and helium, have a low mean molecular weight, and are orbiting a smaller star.

Specifically, the authors modeled five different types of possible worlds: a ‘Hycean’ world (an ocean planet, with a hydrogen atmosphere), an ‘ultrareduced volcanic’ world (active vulcanism, with hydrogen- and nitrogen-rich outgassing), a ‘post-impact’ world (a planet recently impacted by another planetary body) at two different times after the collision, a super-Earth planet with a thin hydrogen envelope, and a model which simulates the early conditions on Earth, based on TRAPPIST-1e.

A size comparison of the planets of the TRAPPIST-1 system, lined up in order of increasing distance from their host star. The planetary surfaces are portrayed with an artist’s impression of their potential surface features, including water, ice, and atmospheres. Credit: NASA.

This final model is not a light, hydrogen-rich atmosphere, but is an important one to study, given the history of life’s evolution on our planet. All planets are assumed to be orbiting an M-dwarf star for consistency.

Table 1: Ratios of molecules in each atmospheric model. Table 2 in the paper.

Figure 1: Simulated transmission spectra for each atmospheric model tested, with important spectral lines labeled. Figure 2 in the paper.

Having generated the model transmission spectra, the authors simulated realistic noise that Webb would observe in the data given the M-dwarf star and Webb’s various spectroscopic instruments. Afterwards, they performed a series of Bayesian detection tests to attempt to retrieve individual molecule abundances from their data. The overall goal of this analysis is an order-of-magnitude estimate of how abundant these molecules would have to be in exoplanet atmospheres in order for Webb to detect them, assuming a ‘modest amount’ of observation time (around 5 transits or less) dedicated to each exoplanet.

Rousing Results

The authors find that for the model Hycean world, all prebiosignatures are detectable with Webb’s instruments. The hydrogen-rich super-Earth also has very good detectability, despite having the atmosphere with the smallest scale height (the ‘higher’ the atmosphere extends, the more light passes through its molecules, and thus the stronger the signal received on Earth). The ultrareduced volcanic world, while it has a large scale height like the Hycean world, generally has worse detection thresholds due to strongly absorbing CH4 and HCN in its atmosphere. The post-impact planets have the highest scale height, and thus are the best suited for detection, with low thresholds for the prebiosignature molecules. Finally, prebiosignatures in the early-Earth model were very difficult to detect with a low number of transits – while some molecules became detectable within 5-10 transits, others require somewhere between 40-100, which might be prohibitively long.

Given the models and method of analysis used, the authors note that these results are optimistic at best, and may not correspond to real observational thresholds. Features such as clouds and atmospheric haze can increase the detectability threshold for different spectral features by hundreds or thousands of times, possibly rendering them undetectable.

Furthermore, a realistic retrieval method (where there is uncertainty in the atmospheric composition or planetary properties of the exoplanet being observed) may affect the detected abundances of trace molecules. That being said, the authors’ attempts to simulate such an analysis show that the primary prebiosignatures are still well detected within an order of magnitude of the previous results.

The key conclusion of this paper is that, in the case of light atmospheres and optimal target planets/systems, the detection of prebiosignatures and exploration of the origin of life is well within the capabilities of Webb. As such, a wealth of data on planetary atmospheres is absolutely within the capabilities of the telescope, and detections of said molecules could very well make the news in the years to come.

See the full article here .

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Please help promote STEM in your local schools.

Stem Education Coalition

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space based Infrared Astronomy Telescope is a large infrared telescope with a 6.5-meter primary mirror. Webb was finally launched December 25, 2021, ten years late. Webb will be the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It will study every phase in the history of our Universe, ranging from the first luminous glows after the Big Bang, to the formation of solar systems capable of supporting life on planets like Earth, to the evolution of our own Solar System.

Webb is the world’s largest, most powerful, and most complex space science telescope ever built. Webb will solve mysteries in our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it.

Webb was formerly known as the “Next Generation Space Telescope” (NGST); it was renamed in Sept. 2002 after a former NASA administrator, James Webb.

Webb is an international collaboration between National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center managed the development effort. The main industrial partner is Northrop Grumman; the Space Telescope Science Institute operates Webb.

Several innovative technologies have been developed for Webb. These include a folding, segmented primary mirror, adjusted to shape after launch; ultra-lightweight beryllium optics; detectors able to record extremely weak signals, microshutters that enable programmable object selection for the spectrograph; and a cryocooler for cooling the mid-IR detectors to 7K.

There are four science instruments on Webb: The Near InfraRed Camera (NIRCam), The Near InfraRed Spectrograph (NIRspec), The Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI), and The Fine Guidance Sensor/ Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (FGS-NIRISS).

Webb’s instruments are designed to work primarily in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, with some capability in the visible range. It will be sensitive to light from 0.6 to 28 micrometers in wavelength.

National Aeronautics Space Agency/ UArizona Webb NIRCam.
ESA Webb NIRSpec.

The European Space Agency [La Agencia Espacial Europea] [Agence spatiale européenne][Europäische Weltraumorganization](EU) Webb MIRI schematic.

Canadian Space Agency [Agence Spatiale Canadienne](CA)Webb Fine Guidance Sensor-Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph FGS/NIRISS.

Webb has four main science themes: The End of the Dark Ages: First Light and Reionization, The Assembly of Galaxies, The Birth of Stars and Protoplanetary Systems, and Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life.

Launch was December 25, 2021, ten years late, on an Ariane 5 rocket. The launch was from Arianespace’s ELA-3 launch complex at European Spaceport located near Kourou, French Guiana. Webb is located at the second Lagrange point, about a million miles from the Earth.

LaGrange Points map. NASA.

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Canadian Space Agency

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From The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics: “Stellar Surf’s Up – Monster Waves as Tall as Three Suns are Crashing upon a Colossal Star”

From The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Peter Edmonds
Interim CfA Public Affairs Officer
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
+1 617-571-7279

A first-of-its-kind “heartbreak” star, with pulsing brightness changes and breaking surface waves, offers a unique vantage into the evolution of massive double star systems.

Credit: Melissa Weiss, CfA.

The star system intrigued researchers because it is the most dramatic “heartbeat star” on record. Now new models have revealed that titanic waves, generated by tides, are repeatedly breaking on one of the stars in the system—the first time this phenomenon has ever been seen on a star.

“Heartbeat stars” are stars in close pairs that periodically pulse in brightness, like the rhythm of a beating heart on an EKG machine. The stars in heartbeat systems loop through elongated oval orbits. Whenever they swing close together, the stars’ gravities generate tides—just as the Moon creates ocean tides on Earth. The tides stretch and distort the shapes of the stars, altering the amount of starlight seen coming from them as their wide or narrow sides alternately face Earth.

A new study explains why the brightness fluctuations from one particularly extreme heartbeat star system measure some 200 times greater than typical heartbeat stars. The cause: gargantuan waves that roll across the bigger star, kicked up when its smaller companion star regularly makes close passes. These tidal waves attain such towering heights and high speeds, the study finds, that the waves break—similar to ocean waves—and crash down onto the big star’s surface.

Dubbed a “heartbreak star” by astronomers, the system offers an unprecedented look at how massive stars interact.

A gas dynamics computer simulation of the system shows that during a close passage, gas is raised into a huge tidal wave on the larger star before crashing back to the surface. Credit: Morgan MacLeod, CfA.

“Each crash of the star’s towering tidal waves releases enough energy to disintegrate our entire planet several hundred times over,” says Morgan MacLeod, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Astrophysics at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) and author of a new study published in Nature Astronomy [below] reporting the findings. “These are really big waves.”

And yet, according to Professor Abraham (Avi) Loeb, MacLeod’s advisor, the Director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at CfA and the paper’s other author, “Breaking waves in stars are as beautiful as those on the beaches of our oceans.”

Heartbeat stars were first seen when NASA’s exoplanet-hunting Kepler space telescope picked out their telltale, usually subtle stellar brightness pulsations.

The extreme heartbreak star, though, is anything but subtle. The larger star in the system is nearly 35 times the mass of the Sun and, together with its smaller companion star, is officially designated MACHO 80.7443.1718 — not because of any stellar brawn, but because the system’s brightness changes were first recorded by the MACHO Project in the 1990s, which sought signs of dark matter in our galaxy.

Most heartbeat stars vary in brightness only by about 0.1%, but MACHO 80.7443.1718 jumped out to astronomers because of its unprecedentedly dramatic brightness swings, up and down by 20%. “We don’t know of any other heartbeat star that varies this wildly,” says MacLeod.

To unravel the mystery, MacLeod created a computer model of MACHO 80.7443.1718. His model captured how the interacting gravity of the two stars generates massive tides in the bigger star. The resulting tidal waves rise to about a fifth of the behemoth star’s radius, which equates to waves about as tall as three Suns stacked on top of each other, or roughly 2.7 million miles high.

The simulations show that the massive waves start out as smooth and organized swells, just like ocean water waves, before curling over on themselves and breaking. As beachgoers know, powerfully crashing ocean waves launch sea spray and bubbles, leaving “a big foamy mess” where there was once a smooth wave, MacLeod says.

The tremendous energy release of the crashing waves on MACHO 80.7443.1718 has two effects, MacLeod’s model shows. It spins the stellar surface faster and faster, and hurls stellar gas outward to form a rotating and glowing stellar atmosphere.

About once a month, the two stars pass each other and a fresh monster wave barrels across the heartbreak star’s surface. Cumulatively, this agitation has caused the big star in MACHO 80.7443.1718 to bulge at its equator by about 50% more than at its poles. And, with each new passing wave, more material is flung outward, like “spinning pizza crust flinging off chunks of cheese and sauce” says MacLeod. The signature glow of this atmosphere was one of the key clues that waves were breaking on the star’s surface, according to MacLeod.

As unprecedented as MACHO 80.7443.1718 is, it is unlikely to be unique. Of the nearly 1,000 heartbeat stars discovered so far, about 20 of them display large brightness fluctuations approaching those of the system simulated by MacLeod and Loeb. “This heartbreak star could just be the first of a growing class of astronomical objects,” MacLeod says. “We’re already planning a search for more heartbreak stars, looking for the glowing atmospheres flung off by their breaking waves.”

All things considered, MacLeod says we are lucky to have caught the star in this phase, “We are watching a brief and transformative moment in a long stellar lifetime.” And by watching the colossal surf roll across a stellar surface, astronomers hope to gain an understanding of how close interactions shape the evolution of stellar pairs.

Nature Astronomy

See the full article here .

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Harvard University campus

Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after the College’s first benefactor, the young minister John Harvard of Charlestown, who upon his death in 1638 left his library and half his estate to the institution. A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of University Hall in Harvard Yard, and is perhaps the University’s best-known landmark.

Harvard University has 12 degree-granting Schools in addition to the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. The University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 20,000 degree candidates including undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. There are more than 360,000 living alumni in the U.S. and over 190 other countries.

The Massachusetts colonial legislature, the General Court, authorized Harvard University’s founding. In its early years, Harvard College primarily trained Congregational and Unitarian clergy, although it has never been formally affiliated with any denomination. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and by the 19th century, Harvard University (US) had emerged as the central cultural establishment among the Boston elite. Following the American Civil War, President Charles William Eliot’s long tenure (1869–1909) transformed the college and affiliated professional schools into a modern research university; Harvard became a founding member of the Association of American Universities in 1900. James B. Conant led the university through the Great Depression and World War II; he liberalized admissions after the war.

The university is composed of ten academic faculties plus the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Arts and Sciences offers study in a wide range of academic disciplines for undergraduates and for graduates, while the other faculties offer only graduate degrees, mostly professional. Harvard has three main campuses: the 209-acre (85 ha) Cambridge campus centered on Harvard Yard; an adjoining campus immediately across the Charles River in the Allston neighborhood of Boston; and the medical campus in Boston’s Longwood Medical Area. Harvard University’s endowment is valued at $41.9 billion, making it the largest of any academic institution. Endowment income helps enable the undergraduate college to admit students regardless of financial need and provide generous financial aid with no loans The Harvard Library is the world’s largest academic library system, comprising 79 individual libraries holding about 20.4 million items.

Harvard University has more alumni, faculty, and researchers who have won Nobel Prizes (161) and Fields Medals (18) than any other university in the world and more alumni who have been members of the U.S. Congress, MacArthur Fellows, Rhodes Scholars (375), and Marshall Scholars (255) than any other university in the United States. Its alumni also include eight U.S. presidents and 188 living billionaires, the most of any university. Fourteen Turing Award laureates have been Harvard affiliates. Students and alumni have also won 10 Academy Awards, 48 Pulitzer Prizes, and 108 Olympic medals (46 gold), and they have founded many notable companies.


Harvard University was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1638, it acquired British North America’s first known printing press. In 1639, it was named Harvard College after deceased clergyman John Harvard, an alumnus of the University of Cambridge(UK) who had left the school £779 and his library of some 400 volumes. The charter creating the Harvard Corporation was granted in 1650.

A 1643 publication gave the school’s purpose as “to advance learning and perpetuate it to posterity, dreading to leave an illiterate ministry to the churches when our present ministers shall lie in the dust.” It trained many Puritan ministers in its early years and offered a classic curriculum based on the English university model—many leaders in the colony had attended the University of Cambridge—but conformed to the tenets of Puritanism. Harvard University has never affiliated with any particular denomination, though many of its earliest graduates went on to become clergymen in Congregational and Unitarian churches.

Increase Mather served as president from 1681 to 1701. In 1708, John Leverett became the first president who was not also a clergyman, marking a turning of the college away from Puritanism and toward intellectual independence.

19th century

In the 19th century, Enlightenment ideas of reason and free will were widespread among Congregational ministers, putting those ministers and their congregations in tension with more traditionalist, Calvinist parties. When Hollis Professor of Divinity David Tappan died in 1803 and President Joseph Willard died a year later, a struggle broke out over their replacements. Henry Ware was elected to the Hollis chair in 1805, and the liberal Samuel Webber was appointed to the presidency two years later, signaling the shift from the dominance of traditional ideas at Harvard to the dominance of liberal, Arminian ideas.

Charles William Eliot, president 1869–1909, eliminated the favored position of Christianity from the curriculum while opening it to student self-direction. Though Eliot was the crucial figure in the secularization of American higher education, he was motivated not by a desire to secularize education but by Transcendentalist Unitarian convictions influenced by William Ellery Channing and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

20th century

In the 20th century, Harvard University’s reputation grew as a burgeoning endowment and prominent professors expanded the university’s scope. Rapid enrollment growth continued as new graduate schools were begun and the undergraduate college expanded. Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as the female counterpart of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the United States. Harvard University became a founding member of the Association of American Universities in 1900.

The student body in the early decades of the century was predominantly “old-stock, high-status Protestants, especially Episcopalians, Congregationalists, and Presbyterians.” A 1923 proposal by President A. Lawrence Lowell that Jews be limited to 15% of undergraduates was rejected, but Lowell did ban blacks from freshman dormitories.

President James B. Conant reinvigorated creative scholarship to guarantee Harvard University’s preeminence among research institutions. He saw higher education as a vehicle of opportunity for the talented rather than an entitlement for the wealthy, so Conant devised programs to identify, recruit, and support talented youth. In 1943, he asked the faculty to make a definitive statement about what general education ought to be, at the secondary as well as at the college level. The resulting Report, published in 1945, was one of the most influential manifestos in 20th century American education.

Between 1945 and 1960, admissions were opened up to bring in a more diverse group of students. No longer drawing mostly from select New England prep schools, the undergraduate college became accessible to striving middle class students from public schools; many more Jews and Catholics were admitted, but few blacks, Hispanics, or Asians. Throughout the rest of the 20th century, Harvard became more diverse.

Harvard University’s graduate schools began admitting women in small numbers in the late 19th century. During World War II, students at Radcliffe College (which since 1879 had been paying Harvard University professors to repeat their lectures for women) began attending Harvard University classes alongside men. Women were first admitted to the medical school in 1945. Since 1971, Harvard University has controlled essentially all aspects of undergraduate admission, instruction, and housing for Radcliffe women. In 1999, Radcliffe was formally merged into Harvard University.

21st century

Drew Gilpin Faust, previously the dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, became Harvard University’s first woman president on July 1, 2007. She was succeeded by Lawrence Bacow on July 1, 2018.

The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics combines the resources and research facilities of the Harvard College Observatory and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under a single director to pursue studies of those basic physical processes that determine the nature and evolution of the universe. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory is a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution, founded in 1890. The Harvard College Observatory, founded in 1839, is a research institution of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, and provides facilities and substantial other support for teaching activities of the Department of Astronomy.

Founded in 1973 and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the CfA leads a broad program of research in astronomy, astrophysics, Earth and space sciences, as well as science education. The CfA either leads or participates in the development and operations of more than fifteen ground- and space-based astronomical research observatories across the electromagnetic spectrum, including the forthcoming Giant Magellan Telescope(CL) and the Chandra X-ray Observatory, one of NASA’s Great Observatories.

GMT Giant Magellan Telescope(CL) 21 meters, to be at the Carnegie Institution for Science’s NSF NOIRLab NOAO Las Campanas Observatory(CL) some 115 km (71 mi) north-northeast of La Serena, Chile, over 2,500 m (8,200 ft) high.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Chandra X-ray telescope.

Hosting more than 850 scientists, engineers, and support staff, the CfA is among the largest astronomical research institutes in the world. Its projects have included Nobel Prize-winning advances in cosmology and high energy astrophysics, the discovery of many exoplanets, and the first image of a black hole. The CfA also serves a major role in the global astrophysics research community: the CfA’s Astrophysics Data System, for example, has been universally adopted as the world’s online database of astronomy and physics papers. Known for most of its history as the “Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics”, the CfA rebranded in 2018 to its current name in an effort to reflect its unique status as a joint collaboration between Harvard University and the Smithsonian Institution. The CfA’s current Director (since 2004) is Charles R. Alcock, who succeeds Irwin I. Shapiro (Director from 1982 to 2004) and George B. Field (Director from 1973 to 1982).

The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian is not formally an independent legal organization, but rather an institutional entity operated under a Memorandum of Understanding between Harvard University and the Smithsonian Institution. This collaboration was formalized on July 1, 1973, with the goal of coordinating the related research activities of the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under the leadership of a single Director, and housed within the same complex of buildings on the Harvard campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The CfA’s history is therefore also that of the two fully independent organizations that comprise it. With a combined lifetime of more than 300 years, HCO and SAO have been host to major milestones in astronomical history that predate the CfA’s founding.

History of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)

Samuel Pierpont Langley, the third Secretary of the Smithsonian, founded the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory on the south yard of the Smithsonian Castle (on the U.S. National Mall) on March 1,1890. The Astrophysical Observatory’s initial, primary purpose was to “record the amount and character of the Sun’s heat”. Charles Greeley Abbot was named SAO’s first director, and the observatory operated solar telescopes to take daily measurements of the Sun’s intensity in different regions of the optical electromagnetic spectrum. In doing so, the observatory enabled Abbot to make critical refinements to the Solar constant, as well as to serendipitously discover Solar variability. It is likely that SAO’s early history as a solar observatory was part of the inspiration behind the Smithsonian’s “sunburst” logo, designed in 1965 by Crimilda Pontes.

In 1955, the scientific headquarters of SAO moved from Washington, D.C. to Cambridge, Massachusetts to affiliate with the Harvard College Observatory (HCO). Fred Lawrence Whipple, then the chairman of the Harvard Astronomy Department, was named the new director of SAO. The collaborative relationship between SAO and HCO therefore predates the official creation of the CfA by 18 years. SAO’s move to Harvard’s campus also resulted in a rapid expansion of its research program. Following the launch of Sputnik (the world’s first human-made satellite) in 1957, SAO accepted a national challenge to create a worldwide satellite-tracking network, collaborating with the United States Air Force on Project Space Track.

With the creation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration the following year and throughout the space race, SAO led major efforts in the development of orbiting observatories and large ground-based telescopes, laboratory and theoretical astrophysics, as well as the application of computers to astrophysical problems.

History of Harvard College Observatory (HCO)

Partly in response to renewed public interest in astronomy following the 1835 return of Halley’s Comet, the Harvard College Observatory was founded in 1839, when the Harvard Corporation appointed William Cranch Bond as an “Astronomical Observer to the University”. For its first four years of operation, the observatory was situated at the Dana-Palmer House (where Bond also resided) near Harvard Yard, and consisted of little more than three small telescopes and an astronomical clock. In his 1840 book recounting the history of the college, then Harvard President Josiah Quincy III noted that “…there is wanted a reflecting telescope equatorially mounted…”. This telescope, the 15-inch “Great Refractor”, opened seven years later (in 1847) at the top of Observatory Hill in Cambridge (where it still exists today, housed in the oldest of the CfA’s complex of buildings). The telescope was the largest in the United States from 1847 until 1867. William Bond and pioneer photographer John Adams Whipple used the Great Refractor to produce the first clear Daguerrotypes of the Moon (winning them an award at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London). Bond and his son, George Phillips Bond (the second Director of HCO), used it to discover Saturn’s 8th moon, Hyperion (which was also independently discovered by William Lassell).

Under the directorship of Edward Charles Pickering from 1877 to 1919, the observatory became the world’s major producer of stellar spectra and magnitudes, established an observing station in Peru, and applied mass-production methods to the analysis of data. It was during this time that HCO became host to a series of major discoveries in astronomical history, powered by the Observatory’s so-called “Computers” (women hired by Pickering as skilled workers to process astronomical data). These “Computers” included Williamina Fleming; Annie Jump Cannon; Henrietta Swan Leavitt; Florence Cushman; and Antonia Maury, all widely recognized today as major figures in scientific history. Henrietta Swan Leavitt, for example, discovered the so-called period-luminosity relation for Classical Cepheid variable stars, establishing the first major “standard candle” with which to measure the distance to galaxies. Now called “Leavitt’s Law”, the discovery is regarded as one of the most foundational and important in the history of astronomy; astronomers like Edwin Hubble, for example, would later use Leavitt’s Law to establish that the Universe is expanding, the primary piece of evidence for the Big Bang model.

Upon Pickering’s retirement in 1921, the Directorship of HCO fell to Harlow Shapley (a major participant in the so-called “Great Debate” of 1920). This era of the observatory was made famous by the work of Cecelia Payne-Gaposchkin, who became the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College (a short walk from the Observatory). Payne-Gapochkin’s 1925 thesis proposed that stars were composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, an idea thought ridiculous at the time. Between Shapley’s tenure and the formation of the CfA, the observatory was directed by Donald H. Menzel and then Leo Goldberg, both of whom maintained widely recognized programs in solar and stellar astrophysics. Menzel played a major role in encouraging the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory to move to Cambridge and collaborate more closely with HCO.

Joint history as the Center for Astrophysics (CfA)

The collaborative foundation for what would ultimately give rise to the Center for Astrophysics began with SAO’s move to Cambridge in 1955. Fred Whipple, who was already chair of the Harvard Astronomy Department (housed within HCO since 1931), was named SAO’s new director at the start of this new era; an early test of the model for a unified Directorship across HCO and SAO. The following 18 years would see the two independent entities merge ever closer together, operating effectively (but informally) as one large research center.

This joint relationship was formalized as the new Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics on July 1, 1973. George B. Field, then affiliated with University of California- Berkeley, was appointed as its first Director. That same year, a new astronomical journal, the CfA Preprint Series was created, and a CfA/SAO instrument flying aboard Skylab discovered coronal holes on the Sun. The founding of the CfA also coincided with the birth of X-ray astronomy as a new, major field that was largely dominated by CfA scientists in its early years. Riccardo Giacconi, regarded as the “father of X-ray astronomy”, founded the High Energy Astrophysics Division within the new CfA by moving most of his research group (then at American Sciences and Engineering) to SAO in 1973. That group would later go on to launch the Einstein Observatory (the first imaging X-ray telescope) in 1976, and ultimately lead the proposals and development of what would become the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Chandra, the second of NASA’s Great Observatories and still the most powerful X-ray telescope in history, continues operations today as part of the CfA’s Chandra X-ray Center. Giacconi would later win the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physics for his foundational work in X-ray astronomy.

Shortly after the launch of the Einstein Observatory, the CfA’s Steven Weinberg won the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on electroweak unification. The following decade saw the start of the landmark CfA Redshift Survey (the first attempt to map the large scale structure of the Universe), as well as the release of the Field Report, a highly influential Astronomy & Astrophysics Decadal Survey chaired by the outgoing CfA Director George Field. He would be replaced in 1982 by Irwin Shapiro, who during his tenure as Director (1982 to 2004) oversaw the expansion of the CfA’s observing facilities around the world.

Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory located near Amado, Arizona on the slopes of Mount Hopkins, Altitude 2,606 m (8,550 ft).

European Space Agency [La Agencia Espacial Europea] [Agence spatiale européenne] [Europäische Weltraumorganization] (EU)/National Aeronautics and Space Administration SOHO satellite. Launched in 1995.

National Aeronautics Space Agency NASA Kepler Space Telescope.

CfA-led discoveries throughout this period include canonical work on Supernova 1987A, the “CfA2 Great Wall” (then the largest known coherent structure in the Universe), the best-yet evidence for supermassive black holes, and the first convincing evidence for an extrasolar planet.

The 1990s also saw the CfA unwittingly play a major role in the history of computer science and the internet: in 1990, SAO developed SAOImage, one of the world’s first X11-based applications made publicly available (its successor, DS9, remains the most widely used astronomical FITS image viewer worldwide). During this time, scientists at the CfA also began work on what would become the Astrophysics Data System (ADS), one of the world’s first online databases of research papers. By 1993, the ADS was running the first routine transatlantic queries between databases, a foundational aspect of the internet today.

The CfA Today

Research at the CfA

Charles Alcock, known for a number of major works related to massive compact halo objects, was named the third director of the CfA in 2004. Today Alcock overseas one of the largest and most productive astronomical institutes in the world, with more than 850 staff and an annual budget in excess of $100M. The Harvard Department of Astronomy, housed within the CfA, maintains a continual complement of approximately 60 Ph.D. students, more than 100 postdoctoral researchers, and roughly 25 undergraduate majors in astronomy and astrophysics from Harvard College. SAO, meanwhile, hosts a long-running and highly rated REU Summer Intern program as well as many visiting graduate students. The CfA estimates that roughly 10% of the professional astrophysics community in the United States spent at least a portion of their career or education there.

The CfA is either a lead or major partner in the operations of the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory, the Submillimeter Array, MMT Observatory, the South Pole Telescope, VERITAS, and a number of other smaller ground-based telescopes. The CfA’s 2019-2024 Strategic Plan includes the construction of the Giant Magellan Telescope as a driving priority for the Center.

CFA Harvard Smithsonian Submillimeter Array on Maunakea, Hawai’i, Altitude 4,205 m (13,796 ft).

South Pole Telescope SPTPOL. The SPT collaboration is made up of over a dozen (mostly North American) institutions, including The University of Chicago ; The University of California-Berkeley ; Case Western Reserve University; Harvard/Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; The University of Colorado- Boulder; McGill (CA) University, The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; The University of California- Davis; Ludwig Maximilians Universität München(DE); DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory; and The National Institute for Standards and Technology.

Along with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the CfA plays a central role in a number of space-based observing facilities, including the recently launched Parker Solar Probe, Kepler Space Telescope, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), and HINODE. The CfA, via the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, recently played a major role in the Lynx X-ray Observatory, a NASA-Funded Large Mission Concept Study commissioned as part of the 2020 Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (“Astro2020”). If launched, Lynx would be the most powerful X-ray observatory constructed to date, enabling order-of-magnitude advances in capability over Chandra.

NASA Parker Solar Probe Plus named to honor Pioneering Physicist Eugene Parker. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) (国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構] (JP)/National Aeronautics and Space Administration HINODE spacecraft.

SAO is one of the 13 stakeholder institutes for the Event Horizon Telescope Board, and the CfA hosts its Array Operations Center. In 2019, the project revealed the first direct image of a black hole.

Messier 87*, The first image of the event horizon of a black hole. This is the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Messier 87. Image via The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration released on 10 April 2019 via National Science Foundation.

The result is widely regarded as a triumph not only of observational radio astronomy, but of its intersection with theoretical astrophysics. Union of the observational and theoretical subfields of astrophysics has been a major focus of the CfA since its founding.

In 2018, the CfA rebranded, changing its official name to the “Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian” in an effort to reflect its unique status as a joint collaboration between Harvard University and the Smithsonian Institution. Today, the CfA receives roughly 70% of its funding from NASA, 22% from Smithsonian federal funds, and 4% from the National Science Foundation. The remaining 4% comes from contributors including the United States Department of Energy, the Annenberg Foundation, as well as other gifts and endowments.

From AAS NOVA: “What We Learn by Not Detecting Supernovae”



Kerry Hensley

The supernova remnant SNR 0509-67.5 as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. [J. Hughes (Rutgers University)/NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]

In astronomy, not detecting something can tell us something useful. A recent article details a radio search for six supernovae that resulted in no detections — but still gives us hints about the companions of these exploding stars.

How Stars Explode

Supernovae happen in two main ways. In the first, a massive star loses its battle with gravity, and its outer layers rebound off its collapsed core in a massive explosion. In the second, an evolved low- to intermediate-mass star experiences pulsations that cause its outer layers to gently waft off into space, leaving behind its core as a white dwarf. If the white dwarf has a binary companion, the companion can donate material to the white dwarf through winds, accretion, or a collision. If the white dwarf gains too much mass, its core ignites and the star explodes.

A white dwarf fed by a normal star reaches the critical mass and explodes as a type Ia supernova. Credit: M Weiss/NASA/CXC.

Researchers suspect that nearly any type of star, from compact white dwarfs to puffed-up supergiants, can donate mass to a white dwarf and trigger a supernova. Which stars actually do is an active area of research, especially since these explosions are useful cosmic distance markers. But how can we tell from the aftermath of the explosion what kind of star was involved?

A Rapid Radio Search

When a star donates mass to its white dwarf companion, some of that gas remains in the space between the two stars, and the distribution of the gas can tell us about the type of companion star; for example, the billowing stellar winds of a supergiant should create an extended region of low-density gas. When a supernova’s shock wave collides with and compresses this gas, it generates synchrotron radiation from electrons traveling in helical paths around magnetic field lines. Synchrotron radiation is produced even when the supernova collides with very low-density material that would be impossible to see through other means.

Diagram of synchrotron emission, arising from an electron moving along a helical path around an ordered magnetic field. The Lorentz force causing the acceleration a is perpendicular to the magnetic field vector B, and both are also perpendicular to the circular component of the electron’s velocity v. The radiation is concentrated in a beamwidth of ∼ 1/γ radians.
Emma Alexander 2022

Chelsea Harris (Michigan State University) and collaborators performed a search for synchrotron radiation from six nearby supernovae that had been detected at optical wavelengths. Judging by the evolution of their optical light curves, these supernovae all resulted from exploding white dwarfs with mass-donating stellar companions. However, the team found no radio emission to accompany the rapidly fading optical light of any of the supernovae in their sample.

Non-detections of the six supernovae rule out winds with the parameters spanned by the green bars. [Harris et al. 2023]

Winds, Shocks, and Shells

By modeling how much radio emission we’d expect to see from various distributions of circumstellar gas, the team was able to rule out the presence of low-density stellar winds from a supergiant companion. The non-detections also ruled out most winds due to accretion of material onto the white dwarf.

As part of their investigation, Harris and collaborators also modeled the expected synchrotron emission from a shock wave colliding with a dense shell of circumstellar gas. This scenario might arise when a pre-supernova white dwarf undergoes one or more novae before the ultimate explosion. Unexpectedly, the team found that these dense shells probably don’t produce a detectable amount of synchrotron emission. While radio observations are a powerful tool to study circumstellar gas, these shells might make themselves known on the other side of the electromagnetic spectrum, with fleeting bursts of X-rays or gamma rays.


Radio Observations of Six Young Type Ia Supernovae, C. E. Harris et al 2023 ApJ 952 24.
See the science paper for instructive material with images.

“What We Learn by Not Detecting Supernovae”
Basic Research

See the full article here .

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The mission of the American Astronomical Society is to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the Universe.

The Society, through its publications, disseminates and archives the results of astronomical research. The Society also communicates and explains our understanding of the universe to the public.
The Society facilitates and strengthens the interactions among members through professional meetings and other means. The Society supports member divisions representing specialized research and astronomical interests.
The Society represents the goals of its community of members to the nation and the world. The Society also works with other scientific and educational societies to promote the advancement of science.
The Society, through its members, trains, mentors and supports the next generation of astronomers. The Society supports and promotes increased participation of historically underrepresented groups in astronomy.
The Society assists its members to develop their skills in the fields of education and public outreach at all levels. The Society promotes broad interest in astronomy, which enhances science literacy and leads many to careers in science and engineering.

Adopted June 7, 2009

The society was founded in 1899 through the efforts of George Ellery Hale. The constitution of the group was written by Hale, George Comstock, Edward Morley, Simon Newcomb and Edward Charles Pickering. These men, plus four others, were the first Executive Council of the society; Newcomb was the first president. The initial membership was 114. The AAS name of the society was not finally decided until 1915, previously it was the “Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America”. One proposed name that preceded this interim name was “American Astrophysical Society”.

The AAS today has over 7,000 members and six divisions – the Division for Planetary Sciences (1968); the Division on Dynamical Astronomy (1969); the High Energy Astrophysics Division (1969); the Solar Physics Division (1969); the Historical Astronomy Division (1980); and the Laboratory Astrophysics Division (2012). The membership includes physicists, mathematicians, geologists, engineers and others whose research interests lie within the broad spectrum of subjects now comprising contemporary astronomy.

In 2019 three AAS members were selected into the tenth anniversary class of TED Fellows.

The AAS established the AAS Fellows program in 2019 to “confer recognition upon AAS members for achievement and extraordinary service to the field of astronomy and the American Astronomical Society.” The inaugural class was designated by the AAS Board of Trustees and includes an initial group of 232 Legacy Fellows.

From “Science Times” : “Radio Signal From Space Released by Mysterious Spinning Object Has Been Reaching for Earth Almost 35 Years Now”

Science Times

From “Science Times”

Conelisa N. Hubilla

Mysterious radio blasts from outer space have been approaching the Earth for almost 35 years, and the scientists who discovered them still have no definite explanation regarding the origin of the interstellar waves.


Discovery of GPMJ1839-10

The Earth has been intermittently hit by a regular burst of radio signals from an unknown source in the universe. In 2018, Curtin University astronomers from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) gathered data revealing the first detected magnetar spinning slower than usual with similar signals sent every 18 minutes. The source no longer produced radio waves when the data were analyzed after two years. The astronomers tried to look again, hoping to find another source of long-term radio signals.

The team used the Murchison Widefield Array radio telescope in Western Australia to scan the Milky Way galaxy every three nights for several months.

SKA Murchison Widefield Array (AU), Boolardy station in outback Western Australia, at the Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO), on the traditional lands of the Wajarri peoples.

In just a short amount of time, they were able to discover a new source in a different region in space. This time, the interstellar waves arrive in the energy of varying brightness levels and occur every 20 minutes, sometimes lasting for 5-minute intervals.

By studying the records at the Very Large Array in New Mexico, a facility that maintains the longest-running data archive, the researchers found out that the pulse of the source was first detected in 1988.

National Radio Astronomy Observatory Karl G Jansky Very Large Array located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, ~50 miles (80 km) west of Socorro. The VLA comprises twenty-eight 25-meter radio telescopes.

Even more alarming is that this strange radio signal went undetected for over three decades without assurance of what it could be.

The radio wave pulses, “GPMJ1839-10”, are assumed to be coming from a source 15,000 light years away from Earth. The discovery of the signal has left the scientists baffled since it has been occurring at intervals and for a time initially thought impossible. According to study lead author Dr. Natasha Hurley-Walker, this phenomenon [Nature (below)] challenges our current understanding of neutron stars and magnetars, considered some of the most exotic and extreme objects in the universe.

Existing Theories About the Radio Signal From Space

Hurley-Walker explained that it can be tempting to assume that the source of the signal is a form of extraterrestrial intelligence. It happened when the first pulsar was detected. The astrophysicist called the pulsar “LGM 1” or “Little Green Men 1” before further observations ruled out this possibility.

The most likely reason is the presence of pulsars or neutron stars that flashes and rotates like a lighthouse that emits energetic beams as they move toward and away from Earth. As time passes, pulsars slow down, and their pulses get fainter with age until they finally stop producing radio signals.

Another possible theory is that the celestial object could be an ultra-long period magnetar or a rare kind of neutron star with powerful magnetic fields which produces powerful bursts of energy. Until recently it was previously known that magnetars released energy at intervals that range from a few seconds to a few minutes.


See the full article here .

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From The Ohio State University: “Using supernovae to study neutrinos’ strange properties”

From The Ohio State University

Tatyana Woodall
Ohio State News


When supernovae explode, neutrinos from their core carry enormous amounts of energy in all directions.
Photo: Getty Images

Long-standing scientific problem

In a new study, researchers have taken an important step toward understanding how exploding stars can help reveal how neutrinos, mysterious subatomic particles, secretly interact with themselves.

Neutrinos. Credit: J-PARC T2K Neutrino Experiment.

One of the less well-understood elementary particles, neutrinos rarely interact with normal matter, and instead travel invisibly through it at almost the speed of light. These ghostly particles outnumber all the atoms in the universe and are always passing harmlessly through our bodies, but due to their low mass and lack of an electric charge they can be incredibly difficult to find and study.

But in a study published today in the journal Physical Review Letters [below], researchers at The Ohio State University have established a new framework detailing how supernovae – massive explosions that herald the death of collapsing stars – could be used as powerful tools to study how neutrino self-interactions can cause vast cosmological changes in the universe.

“Neutrinos only have very small rates of interaction with typical matter, so it’s difficult to detect them and test any of their properties,” said Po-Wen Chang, lead author of the study and a graduate student in physics at Ohio State. “That’s why we have to use astrophysics and cosmology to discover interesting phenomena about them.”

Thought to have been important to the formation of the early universe, neutrinos are still puzzling to scientists, despite having learned that they originate from a number of sources, such as in nuclear reactors or the insides of dying stars. But by calculating how self-interactions would affect the neutrino signal from Supernova 1987A, the nearest supernova observed in modern times, researchers found that when neutrinos do interact with themselves, they form a tightly coupled fluid that expands under relativistic hydrodynamics – a branch of physics that deals with how flows impact solid objects in one of two different ways.

SN1987A from The National Aeronautics and Space Agency The European Space Agency [La Agencia Espacial Europea] [Agence spatiale européenne][Europäische Weltraumorganization](EU) Hubble Space Telescope, in January, 2017 using its Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3).

In the case of what’s called a “burst outflow,” the team theorizes that much like popping a highly pressurized balloon in the vacuum of space would push energy outward, a burst produces a neutrino fluid that moves in all directions. The second case, described as a “wind outflow,” imagines a highly pressurized balloon with many nozzles, wherein neutrinos escape at a more constant flow rate, similar to a jet of steady wind.

While the wind-outflow theory is more likely to take place in nature, said Chang, if the burst case is realized, scientists could see new observable neutrino signatures emitted from supernovae, allowing unprecedented sensitivity to neutrino self-interactions.

One of the reasons it’s so vital to understand these mechanisms is that if neutrinos are acting as a fluid, that means they are acting together, as a collective. And if the properties of neutrinos are different as a collective than individually, then the physics of supernovae could experience changes too. But whether these changes are due solely to the burst case or the outflow case remains to be seen.

“The dynamics of supernovae are complicated, but this result is promising because with relativistic hydrodynamics we know there’s a fork in the road in understanding how they work now,” said Chang.

Still, further research needs to be done before scientists can cross off the possibility of the burst case happening inside supernovae as well.

Despite these uncertainties, the study is a huge milestone in answering the decades-old astrophysical issue of how neutrinos actually scatter when ejected from supernovae, said John Beacom, co-author of the study and a professor of physics and astronomy at Ohio State. This study found that in the burst case, unprecedented sensitivity to neutrino self-interactions is possible even with sparse neutrino data from SN 1987A and conservative analysis assumptions.

“This problem has lain basically untouched for 35 years,” said Beacom. “So even though we were not able to completely solve how neutrinos affect supernovae, what we’re excited about is that we were able to make a substantial step forward.”

Down the road, the team hopes their work will be used as a stepping stone to further investigate neutrino self-interactions. Yet because only about two or three supernovae happen per century in the Milky Way, it’s likely researchers will have to wait decades more to collect enough new neutrino data to prove their ideas.

“We’re always praying for another galactic supernova to happen somewhere and soon, but the best we can do is try to build on what we know as much as possible before it happens,” said Chang.

Other co-authors were Ivan Esteban, Todd Thompson and Christopher M. Hirata, all of Ohio State. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the David & Lucile Packard Foundation.

Physical Review Letters

See the full article here .

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The Ohio State University is a public research university in Columbus, Ohio. Founded in 1870 as a land-grant university and the ninth university in Ohio with the Morrill Act of 1862, the university was originally known as the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College.

Ohio State has been ranked by major institutional rankings among the best public universities in the United States. Originally focused on various agricultural and mechanical disciplines, it developed into a comprehensive university under the direction of then-Governor and later U.S. president Rutherford B. Hayes, and in 1878, the Ohio General Assembly passed a law changing the name to “The Ohio State University” and broadening the scope of the university. Admission standards tightened and became greatly more selective throughout the 2000s and 2010s.

Ohio State’s political science department and faculty have greatly contributed to the construction and development of the constructivist and realist schools of international relations; a 2004 LSE study ranked the program as first among public institutions and fourth overall in the world. A member of the Association of American Universities since 1916, Ohio State is a leading producer of Fulbright Scholars, and is the only school in North America that offers an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc-accredited undergraduate degree in welding engineering. The university’s endowment of $6.8 billion in 2021 is among the largest in the world. Past and present alumni and faculty include five Nobel Prize laureates, nine Rhodes Scholars, seven Churchill Scholars, one Fields Medalist, seven Pulitzer Prize winners, 64 Goldwater scholars, six U.S. Senators, 15 U.S. Representatives, and 108 Olympic medalists. It is classified among “R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity.” As of 2021, Ohio State has the most students in the 95th percentile or above on standardized testing of any public university in the United States.

The university has an extensive student life program, with over 1,000 student organizations; intercollegiate, club and recreational sports programs; student media organizations and publications, fraternities and sororities; and three student governments. Its athletic teams compete in Division I of the NCAA and are known as the Ohio State Buckeyes, and it’s a member of the Big Ten Conference for the majority of its sports. The school’s football program has had great success and is one of the major programs of college football; their rivalry against the University of Michigan has been termed as one of the greatest in North American sports. As of 2017, Ohio State’s football program is valued at $1.5 billion, the highest valuation of any such program in the country. The main campus in Columbus has grown into the third-largest university campus in the United States, with nearly 50,000 undergraduate students and nearly 15,000 graduate students. study ranked the program as first among public institutions and fourth overall in the world.

In 1906, Ohio State President William Oxley Thompson, along with the university’s supporters in the state legislature, put forth the Lybarger Bill with the aim of shifting virtually all higher education support to the continued development of Ohio State while funding only the “normal school” functions of the state’s other public universities. Although the Lybarger Bill failed narrowly to gain passage, in its place the Eagleson Bill was passed as a compromise, which determined that all doctoral education and research functions would be the role of Ohio State, and that Miami University and Ohio University would not offer instruction beyond the master’s degree level – an agreement that would remain in place until the 1950s.

With the onset of the Great Depression, Ohio State would face many of the challenges affecting universities throughout America as budget support was slashed, and students without the means of paying tuition returned home to support families. By the mid-1930s, however, enrollment had stabilized due in large part to the role of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and later the National Youth Administration. By the end of the decade, enrollment had still managed to grow to over 17,500. In 1934, the Ohio State Research Foundation was founded to bring in outside funding for faculty research projects. In 1938, a development office was opened to begin raising funds privately to offset reductions in state support.

In 1952, Ohio State founded the interdisciplinary Mershon Center for International Security Studies, which it still houses. The work of this program led to the United States Department of Homeland Security basing the National Academic Consortium for Homeland Security at the university in 2003.

The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan football programs participated in The Ten Year War between 1969 and 1978. In consistently close matches, it pitted coaches Woody Hayes of Ohio State and Bo Schembechler of Michigan against each other. This heated era led to the persistent Michigan–Ohio State football rivalry.

Ohio State had an open admissions policy until the late 1980s; particularly since the early 2000s, the college has greatly raised standards for admission, and it has been increasingly cited as one of the best public universities in the United States. As of 2021, it has by far the most students in the country in the 95th percentile or above of test-takers on the ACT and SAT of any public university. The trend particularly began under former university administrator William Kirwan in 1998, who set out to greatly increase the quality of applicants and make the university an elite academic university.

Michael V. Drake, former chancellor of the University of California-Irvine, became the 15th president of the Ohio State University on June 30, 2014. He announced on November 21, 2019, that he would retire at the end of the 2019–2020 academic year. In 2019, Ohio State filed for trademark protection of “the” when it is used to refer to Ohio State; the application was denied. On June 3, 2020, the Ohio State Board of Trustees appointed Kristina M. Johnson, the former chancellor of The State University of New York, as the 16th president of the Ohio State University. The main campus in Columbus has grown into the third-largest university campus in the United States.

On June 22, 2022, the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted the university a trademark on the word “the” in relation to clothing, such as T-shirts, baseball caps and hats distributed and/or sold through athletic or collegiate channels. Ohio State and its fans, in particular those of its athletics program, frequently emphasizes the word “THE” when referring to the school.

The Public Ivies: America’s Flagship Public Universities (2000) by Howard and Matthew Greene listed Ohio State as one of a select number of public universities offering the highest educational quality. In its 2021 edition, U.S. News & World Report ranked Ohio State as tied for the 17th-best public university in the United States, and tied for 53rd among all national universities. They ranked the college’s political science, audiology, sociology, speech–language pathology, finance, accounting, public affairs, nursing, social work, healthcare administration and pharmacy programs as among the top 20 programs in the country. The Academic Ranking of World Universities placed Ohio State 42–56 nationally and 101–150 globally for 2020. In its 2021 rankings, Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked it tied for 80th in the world. In 2021, QS World University Rankings ranked the university 108th in the world. The Washington Monthly college rankings, which seek to evaluate colleges’ contributions to American society based on factors of social mobility, research and service to the country by their graduates, placed Ohio State 98th among national universities in 2020.

In 1916, Ohio State became the first university in Ohio to be extended membership into the Association of American Universities, and remains the only public university in Ohio among the organization’s 60 members. Ohio State is also the only public university in Ohio to be classified among “R1: Doctoral Universities – Highest Research Activity” and have its undergraduate admissions classified as “more selective.”

Ohio State’s political science program is ranked among the top programs globally. Considered to be one of the leading departments in the United States, it has played a particularly significant role in the construction and development of the constructivist and realist schools of international relations. Notable political scientists who have worked at the university include Alexander Wendt, John Mueller, Randall Schweller, Gene Sharp and Herb Asher. In 2004, it was ranked as first among public institutions and fourth overall in the world by British political scientist Simon Hix at the London School of Economics and Political Science, while a 2007 study in the academic journal PS: Political Science & Politics ranked it ninth in the United States. It is a leading producer of Fulbright Scholars.

Bloomberg Businessweek ranked the undergraduate business program at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business as the 14th best in the nation in its 2016 rankings. U.S. News & World Report ranks the MBA program tied for 30th in America. Fisher’s Executive MBA program was ranked third nationally for return on investment by The Wall Street Journal in 2008, citing a 170 percent return on an average of $66,900 invested in tuition and expenses during the 18-month program.

The Ohio State linguistics department was recently ranked among the top 10 programs nationally, and top 20 internationally by QS World University Rankings.

Ohio State’s research expenditures for the 2019 fiscal year were $968.3 million. The university is among the top 12 U.S. public research universities and third among all universities in industry-sponsored research (National Science Foundation). It is also named as one of the most innovative universities in the nation (U.S. News & World Report) and in the world (Reuters). In a 2007 report released by the National Science Foundation, Ohio State’s research expenditures for 2006 were $652 million, placing it seventh among public universities and 11th overall, also ranking third among all American universities for private industry-sponsored research. Research expenditures at Ohio State were $864 million in 2017. In 2006, Ohio State announced it would designate at least $110 million of its research efforts toward what it termed “fundamental concerns” such as research toward a cure for cancer, renewable energy sources and sustainable drinking water supplies. In 2021, President Kristina M. Johnson announced the university would invest at least $750 million over the next 10 years toward research and researchers. This was announced in conjunction with Ohio State’s new Innovation District, which will be an interdisciplinary research facility and act as a hub for healthcare and technology research, serving Ohio State faculty and students as well as public and private partners. Construction is expected to be completed in 2023.

Research facilities include Aeronautical/Astronautical Research Laboratory, Byrd Polar Research Center, Center for Automotive Research (OSU CAR), Chadwick Arboretum, Biomedical Research Tower, Biological Sciences Building, CDME, Comprehensive Cancer Center, David Heart and Lung Research Institute, Electroscience Laboratory, Large Binocular Telescope (LBT, originally named the Columbus Project), Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Museum of Biological Diversity, National Center for the Middle Market, Stone Laboratory on Gibraltar Island, OH, Center for Urban and Regional Analysis and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.

Ohio State’s faculty currently includes 21 members of the National Academy of Sciences or National Academy of Engineering, four members of the Institute of Medicine and 177 elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2009, 17 Ohio State faculty members were elected as AAAS Fellows. Each year since 2002, Ohio State has either led or been second among all American universities in the number of their faculty members elected as fellows to the AAAS.

In surveys conducted in 2005 and 2006 by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), Ohio State was rated as “exemplary” in four of the seven measured aspects of workplace satisfaction for junior faculty members at 31 universities: overall tenure practices, policy effectiveness, compensation and work-family balance.

In the last quarter century, 32 Ohio State faculty members have received the Guggenheim Fellowship, more than all other public and private Ohio universities combined. In 2008, three Ohio State faculty members were awarded Guggenheim Fellowships, placing Ohio State among the top 15 universities in the United States. Since the 2000–2001 award year, 55 Ohio State faculty members have been named as Fulbright Fellows, the most of any Ohio university.

From The Weizmann Institute of Science (IL): “A ‘Jupiter’ Hotter than the Sun”

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From The Weizmann Institute of Science (IL)


A newly discovered binary celestial system may advance our understanding of planet and star evolution under extreme conditions.

The search for exoplanets – planets that orbit stars located beyond the borders of our solar system – is a hot topic in astrophysics. Of the various types of exoplanets, one is hot in the literal sense: hot Jupiters, a class of exoplanets that are physically similar to the gas giant planet Jupiter from our own neighborhood. Unlike “our” Jupiter, hot Jupiters orbit very close to their stars, complete a full orbit in just a few days or even hours, and – as their name suggests – have extremely high surface temperatures. They hold great fascination for the astrophysics community. However, they are difficult to study because the glare from the nearby star makes them hard to detect.

Now, in a study published today in Nature Astronomy [below], scientists report the discovery of a system consisting of two celestial bodies, located about 1,400 light years away, that, together, offer an excellent opportunity for studying hot Jupiter atmospheres, as well as for advancing our understanding of planetary and stellar evolution. The discovery of this binary system – the most extreme of its kind known so far in terms of temperature – was made through analysis of spectroscopic data gathered by the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile.

The European Southern Observatory [La Observatorio Europeo Austral][Observatoire européen austral][Europäische Südsternwarte](EU)(CL), Very Large Telescope at Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert •ANTU (UT1; The Sun ) •KUEYEN (UT2; The Moon ) •MELIPAL (UT3; The Southern Cross ), and •YEPUN (UT4; Venus – as evening star). Elevation 2,635 m (8,645 ft) from above Credit J.L. Dauvergne & G. Hüdepohl atacama photo.

“We’ve identified a star-orbiting hot Jupiter-like object that is the hottest ever found, about 2,000 degrees hotter than the surface of the Sun,” says lead author of the study Dr. Na’ama Hallakoun, a postdoctoral fellow associated with Dr. Sagi Ben-Ami’s team in the Particle Physics and Astrophysics Department at the Weizmann Institute of Science. She adds that, unlike glare-obscured hot-Jupiter planets, it is possible to see and study this object because it is very large compared to the host star it orbits, which is 10,000 times fainter than a normal star. “This makes it a perfect laboratory for future studies of hot Jupiters’ extreme conditions,” she says.

An extension of research she conducted in 2017 with Prof. Dan Maoz, her PhD advisor at Tel Aviv University, Hallakoun’s new discovery may make it possible to gain a clearer understanding of hot Jupiters, as well as of the evolution of stars in binary systems.

Massive brown dwarf with a “Moon-like” orientation

The binary system that Hallakoun and colleagues discovered involves two celestial objects that are both called “dwarfs,” but that are very different in nature. One is a “white dwarf,” the remnant of a Sun-like star after it has depleted its nuclear fuel. The other part of the pair, not a planet or a star, is a “brown dwarf” – a member of a class of objects that have a mass between that of a gas giant like Jupiter and a small star.

White dwarf star by Miriam Nielsen.
Artist’s concept of a Brown dwarf [not quite a] star. NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Brown dwarfs are sometimes called failed stars because they are not massive enough to power hydrogen fusion reactions. However, unlike gas giant planets, brown dwarfs are massive enough to survive the “pull” of their stellar partners.

“Stars’ gravity can cause objects that get too close to break apart, but this brown dwarf is dense, with 80 times the mass of Jupiter squeezed into the size of Jupiter,” Hallakoun says. “This allows it to survive intact and form a stable, binary system.”

When a planet orbits very close to its star, the differential forces of gravity acting on the near and far side of the planet can cause the planet’s orbital and rotational periods to become synchronized. This phenomenon, called “tidal locking,” permanently locks one side of the planet in a position that faces the star, similarly to how Earth’s Moon always faces Earth, while its so-called “dark side” remains out of sight. Tidal locking leads to extreme temperature differences between the “dayside” hemisphere bombarded by direct stellar radiation and the other, outward-facing “nightside” hemisphere, which receives a much smaller amount of radiation.

The intense radiation from their stars causes hot Jupiters’ extremely high surface temperatures, and the calculations Hallakoun and her colleagues made about the paired white dwarf-brown dwarf system show just how hot things can get. Analyzing the brightness of the light emitted by the system, they were able to determine the orbiting brown dwarf’s surface temperature in both hemispheres. The dayside, they discovered, has a temperature of between 7,250 and 9,800 Kelvin (about 7,000 and 9,500 Celsius), which is as hot as an A-type star – Sun-like stars that can be twice as massive as the Sun – and hotter than any known giant planet. The temperature of the nightside, on the other hand, is between 1,300 and 3,000 Kelvin (about 1,000 and 2,700 Celsius), resulting in an extreme temperature difference of about 6,000 degrees between the two hemispheres.

A rare glimpse into an unexplored region

Hallakoun says that the system she and her colleagues discovered offers an opportunity to study the effect of extreme ultraviolet radiation on planetary atmospheres. Such radiation plays an important role in a variety of astrophysical environments, from star-forming regions, through primordial gas discs from which planets are formed around stars, to the atmospheres of planets themselves. This intense radiation, which can lead to gas evaporation and the breaking of molecules, can have a significant impact on both stellar and planetary evolution. But that’s not all.

“Merely one million years since the formation of the white dwarf in this system – a minuscule amount of a time on the astronomical scale – we have gotten a rare glimpse into the early days of this kind of compact binary system,” Hallakoun says. She adds that, while the evolution of single stars is fairly well known, the evolution of interacting binary systems is still poorly understood.

“Hot Jupiters are the antithesis of habitable planets – they are dramatically inhospitable places for life,” Hallakoun says. “Future high-resolution spectroscopic observations of this hot Jupiter-like system – ideally made with NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope – may reveal how hot, highly irradiated conditions impact atmospheric structure, something that could help us understand exoplanets elsewhere in the universe.”

Study participants also included Prof. Dan Maoz of Tel Aviv University; Dr. Alina G. Istrate and Prof. Gijs Nelemans of Radboud University, the Netherlands; Prof. Carles Badenes of the University of Pittsburgh; Dr. Elmé Breedt of the University of Cambridge; Prof. Boris T. Gänsicke and the late Prof. Thomas R. Marsh of the University of Warwick; Prof. Saurabh W. Jha of Rutgers University; Prof. Bruno Leibundgut and Dr. Ferdinando Patat of the European Southern Observatory; Dr. Filippo Mannucci of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF); and Prof. Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas of Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Nature Astronomy

See the full article here .

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Weizmann Institute Campus

The Weizmann Institute of Science (IL) is one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary research institutions. Hundreds of scientists, laboratory technicians and research students working on its lushly landscaped campus embark daily on fascinating journeys into the unknown, seeking to improve our understanding of nature and our place within it.

Guiding these scientists is the spirit of inquiry so characteristic of the human race. It is this spirit that propelled humans upward along the evolutionary ladder, helping them reach their utmost heights. It prompted humankind to pursue agriculture, learn to build lodgings, invent writing, harness electricity to power emerging technologies, observe distant galaxies, design drugs to combat various diseases, develop new materials and decipher the genetic code embedded in all the plants and animals on Earth.

The quest to maintain this increasing momentum compels Weizmann Institute scientists to seek out places that have not yet been reached by the human mind. What awaits us in these places? No one has the answer to this question. But one thing is certain – the journey fired by curiosity will lead onward to a better future.

From The University of Delaware : “Aiming high on plasma research”

U Delaware bloc

From The University of Delaware

Beth Miller
Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson
Courtesy of Bennett Maruca and NASA

A sounding rocket launches from NASA’s Wallops Island Facility in Virginia in June 2022. University of Delaware students working with UD physicist Bennett Maruca were there and hope to launch another payload from Wallops Wednesday morning, Aug. 16, 2023.

University of Delaware’s Bennett Maruca helps student teams prep experiments for NASA rocket launches.

Plenty of research happens in labs, at computer stations, in libraries and coffee shops and in fields of many kinds.

Some of it must happen far beyond the beaten path.

Such is the case if you are a student of Bennett Maruca, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at The University of Delaware, who studies space physics and plasma physics.

For the past three years, Maruca’s undergraduate students have been designing, building and testing devices to help them understand plasma in a region of the Earth’s upper atmosphere called the “ionosphere.”

The ionosphere starts about 30 miles above the Earth’s surface and extends hundreds of miles to the edge of space. Free electrons are moving around in this plasma environment, having broken away from atoms charged by solar radiation, and all of those moving charged particles can have a big impact on communication and navigation systems — on the ground, in the air and in space, Maruca said. But fortunately, he said, the ionosphere’s ever-changing structure can be measured by instruments carried through it on rockets.

Maruca’s students have such an instrument — a Langmuir probe — ready for launch into the ionosphere aboard a sounding rocket from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The launch, planned for Wednesday, Aug. 16, was originally scheduled in June but was scrubbed because of unfavorable weather conditions. This week’s forecast appears favorable so far and the launch window extends to Friday, Aug. 18. (Sounding rockets take their name from the nautical term “to sound,” which means to take measurements. Since 1959, NASA-sponsored space and earth science research has used sounding rockets to test instruments in lower altitudes for later use in satellites and spacecraft that go deeper into space.)

More than 30 university teams were set to participate in the June launch — through the “RockOn” and “RockSat-C” programs. Students in the RockOn program participate in a one-week workshop for students with little or no experience. They assemble a kit for a Geiger counter that flies on the rocket. RockSat-C is a nine-month project in which students design and build their own experiments. The programs give students a chance to experience what it’s like to prepare experiments that meet NASA’s exacting specifications. With support from the Delaware Space Grant Consortium, UD had teams in both events this year.

“Safety is of course paramount,” Maruca said. “The students had to prove that the probe (which protrudes a few inches from the rocket) won’t fall off during flight and damage the rocket. Special consideration also had to be given to the extreme acceleration and vibration of the rocket. The students had to screw and/or glue together all of their experiment’s components.”

The experiments fly on a Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rocket, reach suborbital space more than 70 miles above Earth, then return to Earth and are recovered from the Atlantic Ocean.

A team of University of Delaware students traveled to Virginia in June 2022 to watch the launch of a sounding rocket — with their experiments aboard — from NASA’s Wallops Island Facility. The team, mentored by Prof. Bennett Maruca, included (left to right): Calvin Adkins, Andrea Duckenfield, Isaac Chandler, Dax Moraes, Jeffrey Neumann and Valerie Moore.

Preparing for such a launch sharpens students’ understanding of plasma and space physics and gives them an opportunity to experience the rigorous effort invested in NASA missions.

“None of us really knew anything about plasma physics from the beginning,” said Jason Kalaygian, who was a senior majoring in applied mathematics and physics when he led Maruca’s first team in 2020.

Now, they are collecting and analyzing data with the Langmuir probe they built. The probe uses electrodes to gather information about the temperature and density of the plasma in the region.

Kalaygian described the probe as “a hunk of metal hanging off the rocket.” It is built to withstand the harsh conditions outside the rocket and it is designed to capture very small signals quickly.

From launch to splashdown is only about 30 minutes and the probe is seeing plasma for only five minutes or so, said Jarod Dagney, who led the 2021 team and graduated last year with a degree in physics.

“We’re measuring one nanoamp of current,” Maruca said. “To put that into perspective, an incandescent lamp pulls about one amp through its power cord. We’re measuring a billionth of that.”

The ionosphere has many fascinating characteristics.

Near the Earth’s surface, you don’t find many electrically charged particles, Maruca said. But the higher you go, the more you find. The ionosphere is a changeable region, with no fixed boundary, that starts about 30 miles above sea level and extends about 600 miles. Beyond that is the magnetosphere, with particle density so low that the magnetic field becomes important to the dynamics, he said.

Drawing on Maruca’s guidance, hours of calculations and design and figuring things out, plus the skills of master machinist Derrick Allen of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the team won approval to add their first experiment to the 2020 RockSat-C rocket.

A few major complications arose that year, though. The University shut down most operations in March after the World Health Organization announced that the COVID-19 virus had become a pandemic.

University of Delaware physicist Bennett Maruca (left) and members of his 2023 team talked about the experiment they planned to launch aboard a NASA sounding rocket this year during a May visit with Nicola “Nicky” Fox, chief of NASA’s science mission directorate. From left: Bennett Maruca, Isaac Chandler, Jarod Dagney, Dax Moraes, Nicky Fox, Allison Fantom, T.J. Kaifer, Nick Ulizio and Miguel Mercado.

Many sudden changes had to be made if the team was to be ready for a planned June launch.

Kalaygian drove to campus from his home in Milford, Delaware, to pick up equipment and materials Maruca thought he might need to continue the work. He set up a workshop in his basement and — using Zoom and other communications — the team worked together virtually, “with me being the hands,” he said.

No one wanted to quit.

“None of us was OK with that,” Kalaygian said. “We all put in so much work. It was push forward, no matter what.”

Ultimately, COVID forced the cancellation of the 2020 launch, and the torch was passed to the 2021 team, led by Dagney, who designed the software to run everything.

The extra year gave the team opportunities to refine their designs and by June 2021, Maruca’s team converged near Wallops Island to watch the rocket shoot into the sky with their Langmuir probe aboard.

Lessons learned produced further refinements for the 2022 team, led by Jeffrey Neumann, who had graduated a few weeks before the June launch with a degree in mechanical engineering.

“It’s been great to be able to build on progress from prior years,” Maruca said. “I’ve been very insistent — I’m trying to avoid the word ‘nagging’ — about documentation.”

Good recordkeeping is a great help to subsequent teams.

“It is very helpful,” Neumann said. “We were able to refer back to documentation, particularly in regard to our analog board, and that was very important for our development work.”

The team was able to collect relevant data in both launches, which is not a given.

“To have successful measurement on the first go is very rare,” Maruca said.

And progress has been steady.

“I am so proud of these students,” he said. “They have done a tremendous job.”

UD’s RockSat-C team now has a new headquarters in the Patrick T. Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE) Laboratory, where Maruca is establishing the Delaware Space Observation Center (DSpOC), a collaboration of UD and Delaware State University that was announced in 2022. Dagney is now the DSpOC lab manager and Maruca is leading the research component, which includes a high-performance computer cluster for analyzing large data sets.

The team changes each year, with some students graduating, some moving on to other kinds of research and some joining the effort for the first time. Some participate in the RockOn workshop, which gives students experience building a launchable payload, including a computer board, experiment materials, programming and mechanical integration — all in preparation for a RockSat launch the following year.

Senior Dax Moraes and sophomore Isaac Chandler participated in RockOn in 2022. Moraes then led UD’s RockSat team.

The experience helps students work through challenges, disagreements, complications, unexpected delays and obstacles — real-life stuff, Maruca said.

“In research in general, there’s not always agreement on the best way to do things,” Maruca said. “It’s not always obvious. And if you’re going to work at an engineering company, you’ll be in a meeting and present an idea and someone will say, ‘What about doing it this way?’ Who is right? Who has the better way? You have to explain your reasoning. And your boss may not be an engineer.”

In addition, all team members learn a lot about working in a high-level system that requires careful planning and precision. They learn the nomenclature and design review structure used for many missions in NASA, said Maruca, who is the principal investigator of the Solar Wind Experiment on NASA’s Wind spacecraft, which aims to characterize the particles in solar wind plasma.

NASA Konus- Wind spacecraft

“This is quite literally, NASA-level stuff that students are able to participate in,” Neumann said. “It’s a cool opportunity, but along with that comes the NASA-type deadlines. The deadlines always seem far away, but then you always barely make it in time. Deadlines are very, very important for an aerospace-grade mission like this.”

This week, they hope all systems are “go.”

“It’s quite cool seeing the rocket launch,” Neumann said. “It’s nothing like the space shuttle or the SpaceX Falcon 9. It’s basically a missile, moving at 20Gs — very fast. At the same time, the moment it starts lifting off, our payload starts collecting data. So in addition to seeing this massive object launch, our payload turns on and starts observing data.”
About the researcher

Bennett Maruca is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Delaware. (He will advance to associate professor officially on Sept. 1.) His research focuses on space physics, plasma physics, turbulence theory and computational physics.

He is an associate director of the Delaware Space Grant Consortium, coordinating student experimental activities across the consortium, which includes UD, Delaware State University, Wilmington University, Swarthmore College, Villanova University and Delaware Technical Community College.

Before joining UD’s faculty in 2016, Maruca was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. He earned his doctorate at Harvard University, where he was advised by Justin Kasper.

See the full article here .

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U Delaware campus

The University of Delaware is a public land-grant research university located in Newark, Delaware. University of Delaware (US) is the largest university in Delaware. It offers three associate’s programs, 148 bachelor’s programs, 121 master’s programs (with 13 joint degrees), and 55 doctoral programs across its eight colleges. The main campus is in Newark, with satellite campuses in Dover, the Wilmington area, Lewes, and Georgetown. It is considered a large institution with approximately 18,200 undergraduate and 4,200 graduate students. It is a privately governed university which receives public funding for being a land-grant, sea-grant, and space-grant state-supported research institution.

The University of Delaware is classified among “R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity”. According to The National Science Foundation, UD spent $186 million on research and development in 2018, ranking it 119th in the nation. It is recognized with the Community Engagement Classification by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

The University of Delaware is one of only four schools in North America with a major in art conservation. In 1923, it was the first American university to offer a study-abroad program.

The University of Delaware traces its origins to a “Free School,” founded in New London, Pennsylvania in 1743. The school moved to Newark, Delaware by 1765, becoming the Newark Academy. The academy trustees secured a charter for Newark College in 1833 and the academy became part of the college, which changed its name to Delaware College in 1843. While it is not considered one of the colonial colleges because it was not a chartered institution of higher education during the colonial era, its original class of ten students included George Read, Thomas McKean, and James Smith, all three of whom went on to sign the Declaration of Independence. Read also later signed the United States Constitution.

Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Campus

On October 23, 2009, The University of Delaware signed an agreement with Chrysler to purchase a shuttered vehicle assembly plant adjacent to the university for $24.25 million as part of Chrysler’s bankruptcy restructuring plan. The university has developed the 272-acre (1.10 km^2) site into the Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Campus. The site is the new home of University of Delaware (US)’s College of Health Sciences, which includes teaching and research laboratories and several public health clinics. The STAR Campus also includes research facilities for University of Delaware (US)’s vehicle-to-grid technology, as well as Delaware Technology Park, SevOne, CareNow, Independent Prosthetics and Orthotics, and the East Coast headquarters of Bloom Energy. In 2020 [needs an update], University of Delaware expects to open the Ammon Pinozzotto Biopharmaceutical Innovation Center, which will become the new home of the UD-led National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals. Also, Chemours recently opened its global research and development facility, known as the Discovery Hub, on the STAR Campus in 2020. The new Newark Regional Transportation Center on the STAR Campus will serve passengers of Amtrak and regional rail.


The university is organized into nine colleges:

Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Earth, Ocean and Environment
College of Education and Human Development
College of Engineering
College of Health Sciences
Graduate College
Honors College

There are also five schools:

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration (part of the College of Arts & Sciences)
School of Education (part of the College of Education & Human Development)
School of Marine Science and Policy (part of the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment)
School of Nursing (part of the College of Health Sciences)
School of Music (part of the College of Arts & Sciences)

From The NSF/ NOAO/NOIRLab (National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory) : “Visitors from Distant Stars – Rubin Observatory Will Detect an Abundance of Interstellar Objects Careening Through Our Solar System”

From The NSF/ NOAO/NOIRLab (National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory)

Michele Bannister
Senior Lecturer and Rutherford Discovery Fellow, University of Canterbury

Kristen Metzger
Science Writer, Vera C. Rubin Observatory

Bob Blum
Director for Operations, Vera C. Rubin Observatory, NSF’s NOIRLab
Tel: +1 520-318-8233

Željko Ivezić
Professor of Astronomy, University of Washington/AURA
Tel: +1-206-403-6132

Charles Blue
Tel: +1 202-236-6324

Manuel Gnida
Media Relations Manager, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Tel: +1 650-926-2632
Cell: +1 415-308-7832

Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s [below] Legacy Survey of Space and Time [LSST] will revolutionize Solar System science by revealing a population of previously undiscovered interstellar comets and asteroids passing through our cosmic neighborhood.

Many as-yet-undiscovered interstellar objects exist throughout our Milky Way Galaxy: comets and asteroids that have been ejected from their home star systems. Some of these objects pass through our Solar System, bringing valuable information about how planetary systems form and evolve. Currently, only two such interstellar visitors have been discovered: 1I/ʻOumuamua and comet 2I/Borisov. Rubin’s upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time [LSST] will show us many more.

This illustration shows the paths through our Solar System of the two confirmed interstellar objects, Oumuamua in 2017 (formally known as 1I/2017 U1), discovered in 2017, and the comet 2I/Borisov, discovered in 2019. The paths of these objects are markedly different than the orbits of objects in our Solar System, making them easy to differentiate as interstellar objects. Rubin Observatory and the Legacy Survey of Space and Time will provide data that enables scientists to identify many interstellar objects early in the survey.
Credit: J. Pinto/Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA.

We’ve learned a lot about the biggest, brightest objects in our Solar System using existing instruments and telescopes. However, astronomers like Michele Bannister, Rutherford Discovery Fellow at the University of Canterbury in Aotearoa New Zealand and member of the Rubin Observatory/LSST Solar System Science Collaboration, want to search deeper, for small, faint bodies that originated in planetary systems far beyond our own. These interstellar objects — which were flung from their home systems into the space between stars — are so faint that they have been virtually undetectable. But with the upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), conducted with Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile, scientists are expecting an explosive period of discovery as these faint objects come into view for the first time.

Rubin Observatory is jointly funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the US Department of Energy (DOE). Rubin is a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab, which, along with the DOE’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, will operate Rubin.

The origins of our Solar System lay in a massive swirling cloud of gas and dust that collapsed to form new stars, one of which was our Sun. The stars gobbled up most of the cosmic ingredients, but around each star the remainder formed the small building blocks of planets — called planetesimals — ranging from tens of meters to a few kilometers in size. Some of these coalesced into planets and their moons and rings, but trillions of leftover planetesimals continued to orbit their host stars.

With the aid of observations of our Solar System and computer simulations, scientists speculate that the gravity of larger planets and passing nearby stars often launches most of these remnant planetesimals away from their home systems and out into their galaxies. Traveling through space and not bound to any star, they’re now known as interstellar objects.

“Planetary systems are a place of change and growth, of sculpting and reshaping,” said Bannister. “And planets are like active correspondents in that they can move trillions of little tiny planetesimals out into galactic space.”

If planets are the correspondents, interstellar objects are the telegrams containing valuable information about distant planetary systems and how they formed. And for a short time, some of these messages from afar are right in our cosmic backyard. “A rock from another solar system is a direct probe of how planetesimal formation took place at another star,” said Bannister, “so to actually have them come to us is pretty neat.”

Though astronomers think many interstellar objects exist, and likely pass through our Solar System on a regular basis, only two have been confirmed: ʻOumuamua in 2017 (also known as 1I/2017 U1), and the comet 2I/Borisov in 2019. These were discovered thanks to great timing, a lot of effort, and a little luck — these small, faint interstellar travelers are only visible when they’re close enough to see, and when our telescopes are pointing in the right place at the right time.

“We calculate that there are a whole lot of these little worlds in our Solar System right now,” said Bannister. “We just can’t find them yet because we aren’t seeing faint enough.”

Rubin Observatory will change that. Using an 8.4-meter telescope equipped with the highest resolution digital camera in the world, Rubin will detect fainter interstellar objects than we’ve ever seen before. “It’s as though you suddenly go from being on a little boat bobbing around in the beautiful shallows just off the shore, to now you’re out over the big deep ocean and you can see into all that expanse for the first time,” said Bannister.

Additionally, Rubin’s fast-moving telescope can scan the entire visible sky every few nights, capturing a timelapse view of interstellar objects on their fast journeys through our Solar System.

While we call both ‘Omuamua and 2I/Borisov interstellar objects, they differ in just about every way we can measure. What will the third, or the twentieth, interstellar object look like? Within the first year of Rubin Observatory’s 10-year LSST, scheduled to begin in 2025, scientists expect to get a good idea. “We’re going to go from a study of two individual objects to a population study of at least dozens,” Bannister said. As interstellar objects could come from stars all across the Milky Way, this increase will allow scientists to directly study how planetary systems form at distant stars throughout our galaxy’s history — including at ancient stars that no longer exist.

For now, scientists can only make loose predictions of how many interstellar objects Rubin will reveal. Bannister playfully places her bet on 21, but says we really have no idea yet. Whatever the outcome, Rubin is poised to revolutionize Solar System studies — along with many other areas of astronomy and astrophysics. “It’s going to be one of the gifts that Rubin provides,” she said, “a new history of the Solar System and a greater understanding of where we come from.”

See the full article here.

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What is NOIRLab?

NSF’s NOIRLab (National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory), the US center for ground-based optical-infrared astronomy, operates the international Gemini Observatory (a facility of National Science Foundation, NRC–Canada, ANID–Chile, MCTIC–Brazil, MINCyT–Argentina, and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute [한국천문연구원] (KR)), NOAO Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory(CL) (CTIO), the Community Science and Data Center (CSDC), and Vera C. Rubin Observatory (in cooperation with DOE’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory). It is managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under a cooperative agreement with NSF and is headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. The astronomical community is honored to have the opportunity to conduct astronomical research on Iolkam Du’ag (Kitt Peak) in Arizona, on Maunakea in Hawaiʻi, and on Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachón in Chile. We recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural role and reverence that these sites have to the Tohono O’odham Nation, to the Native Hawaiian community, and to the local communities in Chile, respectively.

National Science Foundation NOIRLab’s Gemini North Frederick C Gillett telescope at Maunakea Observatory in Hawai’i Altitude 4,213 m (13,822 ft).

The National Science Foundation NOIRLab National Optical Astronomy Observatory Gemini South telescope on the summit of Cerro Pachón at an altitude of 7200 feet. There are currently two telescopes commissioned on Cerro Pachón, Gemini South and the SOAR Telescope — Southern Astrophysics Research Telescope. A third, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, is under construction.

The National Science Foundation NOIRLab National Optical Astronomy Observatory Vera C. Rubin Observatory [LSST] Telescope currently under construction on the El Peñón peak at Cerro Pachón Chile, a 2,682-meter-high mountain in Coquimbo Region, in northern Chile, alongside the existing NSF NOIRLab NOAO The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) Gemini South Telescope and Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope.

NSF NOIRLab NOAO Southern Astrophysical Research [SOAR] telescope, operated by a consortium including the countries of Brazil and Chile, Michigan State University, the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) (part of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, NOAO), and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill situated on Cerro Pachón, just to the southeast of Cerro Tololo, on the NOIRLab NOAO AURA site at an altitude of 2,700 meters (8,775 feet) above sea level.
TMT-Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory, proposed and approved for location at Maunakea, Hawai’i, Altitude 4,050 m [13290 ft], the only giant 30 meter class telescope for the Northern hemisphere if and when it is a reality.

National Science Foundation NOIRLab National Optical Astronomy Observatory Kitt Peak National Observatory on Kitt Peak of the Quinlan Mountains in the Arizona-Sonoran Desert on the Tohono O’odham Nation, 88 kilometers (55 mi) west-southwest of Tucson, Arizona, Altitude 2,096 m (6,877 ft), annotated.

NSF NOIRLab NOAO Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory(CL) approximately 80 km to the East of La Serena, Chile, at an altitude of 2200 meters.

The NOAO-Community Science and Data Center

This work is supported in part by The Department of Energy Office of Science.
The Dark Energy Survey is a collaboration of more than 400 scientists from 26 institutions in seven countries.

The Dark Energy Survey

Dark Energy Camera [DECam] built at the DOE’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

NOIRLab National Optical Astronomy Observatory Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory(CL) Victor M Blanco 4m Telescope which houses the Dark-Energy-Camera – DECam at Cerro Tololo, Chile at an altitude of 7200 feet.

NOIRLabNSF NOIRLab NOAO Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory(CL) approximately 80 km to the East of La Serena, Chile, at an altitude of 2200 meters.

Timeline of the Inflationary Universe WMAP.

The Dark Energy Survey is an international, collaborative effort to map hundreds of millions of galaxies, detect thousands of supernovae, and find patterns of cosmic structure that will reveal the nature of the mysterious dark energy that is accelerating the expansion of our Universe. The Dark Energy Survey began searching the Southern skies on August 31, 2013.

According to Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, gravity should lead to a slowing of the cosmic expansion. Yet, in 1998, two teams of astronomers studying distant supernovae made the remarkable discovery that the expansion of the universe is speeding up.

Saul Perlmutter (center) [The Supernova Cosmology Project] shared the 2006 Shaw Prize in Astronomy, the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, and the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics with Brian P. Schmidt (right) and Adam Riess (left) [The High-z Supernova Search Team] for providing evidence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

To explain cosmic acceleration, cosmologists are faced with two possibilities: either 70% of the universe exists in an exotic form, now called Dark Energy, that exhibits a gravitational force opposite to the attractive gravity of ordinary matter, or General Relativity must be replaced by a new theory of gravity on cosmic scales.

The Dark Energy Survey is designed to probe the origin of the accelerating universe and help uncover the nature of Dark Energy by measuring the 14-billion-year history of cosmic expansion with high precision. More than 400 scientists from over 25 institutions in the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland, and Australia are working on the project. The collaboration built and is using an extremely sensitive 570-Megapixel digital camera, DECam, mounted on the Blanco 4-meter telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, high in the Chilean Andes, to carry out the project.

Over six years (2013-2019), the Dark Energy Survey collaboration used 758 nights of observation to carry out a deep, wide-area survey to record information from 300 million galaxies that are billions of light-years from Earth. The survey imaged 5000 square degrees of the southern sky in five optical filters to obtain detailed information about each galaxy. A fraction of the survey time is used to observe smaller patches of sky roughly once a week to discover and study thousands of supernovae and other astrophysical transients.
Funding for the DES Projects has been provided by the US Department of Energy Office of Science,
The National Science Foundation, Ministry of Science and Education of Spain, The Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK), The Higher Education Funding Council for England (UK), The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zürich [Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)](CH), The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics at The University of Chicago, Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics at The Ohio State University, Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy at The Texas A&M University, Brazil Funding Authority for Studies and Projects for Scientific and Technological Development [Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos ](BR) , Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro [Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro](BR), Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications [Ministério da Ciência, Tecnolgia, Inovação e Comunicações](BR), German Research Foundation [Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft](DE), and the collaborating institutions in the Dark Energy Survey.

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides
supercomputing and advanced digital resources for the nation’s science enterprise. At NCSA, The University of Illinois faculty, staff, students, and collaborators from around the globe use advanced digital resources to address research grand challenges for the benefit of science and society. NCSA has been advancing one-third of the Fortune 50® for more than 30 years by bringing industry, researchers, and students together to solve grand challenges at rapid speed and scale.
The DOE Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time.