From Quantum Zeitgeist: “Researchers Suggest Quantum Entanglement Could Revolutionize Secure Communication”

From Quantum Zeitgeist


A team of researchers has developed a method for linking multiple parties with quantum correlations using just a single pair of entangled photons. This approach could revolutionize secure communication, making a quantum internet a more feasible and scalable prospect. The method involves randomly sending recipients either an entangled photon or a normal one, yet still maintaining enough entanglement for secure communication. The researchers have proven that their method can create large secure networks, even when some photons are lost, suggesting that a big, complex quantum system is not necessary for a big network.


What is the Future of Quantum Internet?

Quantum entanglement, a unique and powerful phenomenon, has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate. It can facilitate correlations between distant locations, allowing for the exchange of private messages with absolute security. However, creating robust links between two different places using high-quality entanglement is a complex task. It becomes even more challenging when it comes to linking multiple parties, which is thought to require more entangled particle pairs or more complex quantum states.

A team of researchers, including Alex Pepper, Travis J. Baker, Yuanlong Wang, QiuCheng Song, Lynden K. Shalm, Varun B. Verma, Sae Woo Nam, Nora Tischler, Sergei Slussarenko, Howard M. Wiseman, and Geoff J. Pryde, have demonstrated a novel method for linking multiple parties with quantum correlations using just a single pair of entangled photons. They mixed the pair with many normal photons and then distributed qubits to quantumly steer targeted recipients.

How Does Quantum Entanglement Work in Communication?

The researchers’ method involves randomly sending the recipients either an entangled photon or a normal one. According to Alex Pepper, one of the authors of the study, all parties still shared enough entanglement to guarantee secure communication, even with this random distribution. This approach stretches the possibilities for secure multiparty networks, making it a significant step towards the realization of a quantum internet.

In an experiment, the researchers entangled three parties and rigorously tested the result, confirming the presence of nonclassical correlations. The scenario is akin to adding an unknown and untrusted user to a trusted network, representing situations where people connect to mobile banking applications from unknown locations, for instance.

Can Quantum Entanglement Create Large Secure Networks?

The researchers have mathematically and experimentally proven that their method can not only create useful multiparty entanglement but also can form a very large secure network, even when some photons are lost. This finding is particularly significant as it suggests that a big, complex quantum system is not necessary to have a big network. Instead, a small amount of quantum spread thinly over many people can suffice.

According to Pepper, “It turns out that you don’t need a big complex quantum system to have a big network. You can get away with only having a small amount of quantum spread thinly over many people.” This discovery could have far-reaching implications for the development of a quantum internet, making it a more feasible and scalable prospect.

What is the Significance of This Research?

The research conducted by Pepper and his team is a significant stride towards the realization of a quantum internet. Their novel method of using a single pair of entangled photons to link multiple parties with quantum correlations could revolutionize the way we communicate, providing absolute security in the exchange of private messages.

The ability to create large secure networks with a small amount of quantum spread thinly over many people could make the quantum internet a more feasible and scalable prospect. This research stretches the possibilities for secure multiparty networks, making it a significant step towards the realization of a quantum internet.

What are the Practical Applications of This Research?

The practical applications of this research are vast. For instance, the scenario tested by the researchers, where an unknown and untrusted user is added to a trusted network, represents situations where people connect to mobile banking applications from unknown locations. This suggests that the method could be used to enhance the security of such applications, among others.

Furthermore, the ability to create large secure networks with a small amount of quantum spread thinly over many people could have far-reaching implications for various sectors, including telecommunications, finance, and defense. The development of a quantum internet could revolutionize these sectors, providing absolute security in the exchange of private messages.

What Does the Future Hold for Quantum Internet?

The future of quantum internet looks promising, thanks to the groundbreaking research conducted by Pepper and his team. Their novel method of using a single pair of entangled photons to link multiple parties with quantum correlations could revolutionize the way we communicate, providing absolute security in the exchange of private messages.

The ability to create large secure networks with a small amount of quantum spread thinly over many people could make the quantum internet a more feasible and scalable prospect. As the researchers continue to refine their method and explore its potential applications, we can expect to see further advancements in this exciting field.

Science paper:

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